Monday, July 4, 2011

Behind the Blog

I am a single mother to two beautiful teenage daughters, an adorable Jack Russell Terrier and one senile old kitty cat. I work full time outside of the home and also slowly chip away at courses to (finally) obtain my college degree. A decade long break has drawn the process out but I have been plugging away at it steadily every semester for a couple of years now and can actually see my cap and gown very faintly off in the distance now.

 I am a lover of all things 80's, a music fanatic (all genres with the exception of whiny old country and most rap, with an inclination towards what is now sadly known as "classic" rock), a graphic design hobbyist and psychology junkie. I just can't learn enough to get my fill.

 I have been interested in psychology since I was in grade school. I remember the teachers' question, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" always garnered similar and expected responses from the children such as the little boys who wanted to be a fireman or police officer or the little girls who wanted to be ballerinas, veterinarians and teachers. My response of "child psychologist" elicited more bewildered looks than the child who said he was going to be a rock star, as if my career goal was more far-fetched than his!  I forgot all about that career goal as I got a little older and fell in line with the norm, longing to be an interior designer and later a school teacher. 

My long forgotten love of psychology came rushing back to me after I took my first college psychology course. I was instantly drawn in and fell in love. I couldn't get enough of it! The material came easily to me and I took every psychology course I could. I researched and read various psychology textbooks, journals and research studies just for the fun of it. Little did I know what a big role psychology would later play in my life and the life of my youngest child or how vital the knowledge I gained would turn out to be in my fight for the well being of my little girl.

My youngest daughter, who is now almost 15, has Juvenile Bipolar Disorder (Bipolar 1, mixed episodes with ultra-rapid cycling and at times ultradian cycling) and several comorbid conditions that often come as a package deal with Bipolar Disorder in children.
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • ADHD
  • PTSD
  • ODD
  • OCD
  • Panic Disorder
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
This is our journey...
Wishing you balance.

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